The safety, health and well being of Region 6’s employees, as well as our customers and our community are of primary importance to successfully complete the business objectives. Accident prevention and analysis are integral portions of the Region 6 Security product and will always receive the same precedence as quality and production, since deficiencies in any of these areas can result in employee injury, customer dissatisfaction, financial loss and community mistrust.

Region 6's officers, supervisors and employees will take all practical steps to provide a safe and healthy workplace. In an effort to provide a safe workplace we have established safety procedures and training to guide us through this mission. We also recognize the majority of our workplace activity occurs on our customers’ premises and many have established their own policies and procedures. These protocols are in place for a reason and it’s imperative that we observe their specific requirements. It is the responsibility of all employees to comply with these procedures. It is expected that every employee will work together to achieve the common goal of preserving our environment as a safe and secure world to work and live. As part of our commitment to safety, our measurable ratings are verifiable on ISNetworld and Compliance Depot.


Policies and Procedures. Established safe work habits based on regulatory and educational guidelines.

Educate. Strive for a knowledgeable work team that not only understands how, but why we are safe.

Plan. Use the ability to look ahead and expect known and correct results to our work activities.

Review. Take time to look over the plan with all team members one more time before implementing.

Check and Correct. Be willing to stop at or before the critical moment, to be sure the plan is right.

Review. From Management to Journeyman, investigate our activities and learn from our experiences.

Improve. Use our knowledge to establish better, safer, and more efficient habits for our entire being.